Carleen Social Short Mat Bowls
Every Friday
7.00 – 9.30 pm
Cost £2.00 per session including tea and biscuits.
Contact Joy Daniels tel: 07815 208432
When Carleen Village Hall opened, one of the first clubs established was a Short Mat Bowls Club and it has been a huge success. It is a social bowling club that meets on a Friday evening at 7.00 pm. We do have three mats, but often play on just two. It is a fun evening of bowls and everyone gets the chance to play two games. It is competitive, but there is lots of banter and laughter.
Our membership is around 25 members, so there is always room for more. There is no membership fee and the cost is £2.00 a week to include light refreshments. We have an assortment of bowling woods for new members to try and use. Everyone is made to feel valued and welcome, whether you have played before or are a novice, trying bowls for the first time.
If you fancy a go, please come along. We would love to see you.