Clubs & Societies

Carleen Social Short Mat Bowls

Every Friday

7.00 – 9.30 pm

Cost £2.00 per sessions including tea and biscuits.

Contact Joy Daniels tel: 07815 208432

When Carleen Village Hall opened, one of the first clubs established was a Short Mat Bowls Club and it has been a huge success. It is a social bowling club that meets on a Friday evening at 7.00 pm.  We do have three mats, but often play on just two. It is a fun evening of bowls and everyone gets the chance to play two games. It is competitive, but there is lots of banter and laughter.

Our membership is around 25 members, so there is always room for more. There is no membership fee and the cost is £2.00 a week to include light refreshments. We have an assortment of bowling woods for new members to use. Everyone is made to feel valued and welcome, whether you have played before or are a novice, trying bowls for the first time.

If you fancy a go, please come along.  We would love to see you.

Table Tennis


Every Monday 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Contact John Notley 01326 561957 Mob 07951 022429

Everyone is welcome to the Carleen Village Hall Table Tennis Club whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player and no matter what age.

It is a fun evening for all abilities at a minimal cost with a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit included.

The Club has four tables in a spacious hall mostly playing doubles. For the younger and more energetic player there is the opportunity to play single matches.

So please come along and join us on a Monday evening where you will be able to improve your skills in a very friendly atmosphere.

Art Club

Every Wednesday

9.00am – 13.30pm

£3.00 per session

Contact : Zelma Hill – Mob 07756 018947

Welcome to the Carleen Village Hall Art Club. We meet each Wednesday morning. All our amateur artists bring along their own projects ranging from water colours, acrylics, pencil drawing, oils, pastels and crayons.

It is a really friendly group with everyone offering support and encouragement.

The light is good in the hall and there is plenty of space to spread out.

Beginners are very welcome.

The session is £3.00 with tea and biscuits included.


Every Tuesday

6.00 – 7.30pm

First Session Free

Yoga at sunset image

Open to everyone beginners and experienced alike, people with complications need to contact me first but otherwise it is a drop in.

First class is free they can contact me for more information.

Equipment is provided but you are welcome to bring a mat and blanket if you have one and wear comfortable loose clothing.

Link to my website page 

Or Iyengaryoga by kirsty on Facebook 

Tel: 07971 397367

Iyengar yoga is a very safe method of yoga, using props to support the practice it makes it accessible to all . The practice focuses on alignment, building strength, balance, stamina and focus . It helps to relax the body and mind and has many health benefits. 

I have been teaching for 18 years and am a certified Iyengar yoga teacher who has experience teaching children, pregnancy yoga and yoga to help improve various issues.

For more information please feel free to contact me.


Every Thursday 7.30 – 9.00 pm and Sunday 7.30 – 9.00

Contact : Mrs J Brazier – tel 01736 763304

Cost £7.00 per book

Welcome to Carleen Bingo Club. The doors open at 6.45 pm.  We play 8 games including one line, 2 lines, full house and a snowball. Money prizes. Light refreshments are available.

This is a fun evening enjoyed by many, we always welcome new people.  If you fancy a go at Bingo, please do come along.

Quilters Group

Florence Quilters

Every Friday 10.00 – 3.00 pm

Cost:  Annual registration fee £15.00 and £4.00 per session

Contact : Margaret Gash – tel 01209 831502

Welcome to the Florence Quilters, a group of like minded people, who enjoy their hobby and good company.  The group supports one another, offers new ideas and inspiration.

Every 3 years, they hold their own exhibition of their work and it is stunning.

The group is mainly about quilting, but they do welcome other forms of needlecraft.

They do have an in house tutor and arrange a variety of outside workshops.

Everyone is welcome and if you would like to find out more about the Group, please do make contact.